Poetic cycling

Poetic cycling
English / Nederlands
35 short poems 
Translation / Vertaling: Gijs & Janneke, Joost & Nienke
Autumn / Najaar 2020
Haute Folie Maastricht Netherlands
ISBN 9789403610993
Price / Prijs: € 12,50
Available at / verkrijgbaar bij

Miel Vanstreels (1951, Godsheide, Belgium) lives in Maastricht (Southern Limburg, the Netherlands). He has been touring a road bike since he was eleven years old. At home and abroad, preferably in hills and mountains. Musing is his favorite activity when cycling. He captures his reveries in (very) short poems. 

Miel Vanstreels (1951, Godsheide, B) woont in Maastricht. Sinds zijn elfde toert hij rond op een racefiets. In binnen- en buitenland, het liefst over heuvels en bergen. Mijmeren is zijn meest geliefde bezigheid tijdens het fietsen. Die mijmeringen legt hij vast in senryu's, een variant op de haiku.

Poetic cycling

Passo dello Stelvio

With great legs
life is a climb
hors catégorie

Southern Limburg

Wherever I cycled -
very few landscapes are so
generous with solace


No matter how long
and steep - stepping down
means everlastig regret


How will I look back
tomorrow - the answer
numbs all the pain

Col d'Allos

landscape - the greater the legs
the better the views


If soul and legs
find each other - small bliss
at great height

Twenty hills

Climbing famous hills
in a lovely landscape -
gently worn out



My sad fate -
slower than slow
up the hills


The first hills
of the year - happy that my body
still wants to follow my mind

Without a title

Cycling is great
if you don't let the years
limit your fun

Blessed the cyclist
who lovingly ignores
his lac of talent

Cycling with my sweet -
for fifty years dancing
on the pedals of love

Two brothers cycle up
a long climb with their dad -
they wistle I wheeze

A cycling tourist
who cycles uphill even slower
than me - amazing

Miel Vanstreels